Monday, April 29, 2013

The Eggs Are Here!

At last! My first round of hatching eggs of the season is in my incubators, and on their way to hatching in just a few short weeks! Imported chicks will arrive around the same time, and it will be an all-out peeping-chicken fest! The pictures below are of the actual eggs, and could become your chicks!
Eggs are much like starting seeds, you collect the seeds, you plant them, give them what they need to grow and then they germinate, producing beautiful leaves and flowers. Much like gardening, hatching chicken eggs comes with its own set of challenges, obstacles and surprises. As the proverb goes... never count your chickens before they hatch!

In the incubator now...

French Black Copper Marans
Blue/Black/Splash Orpingtons
Olive Eggers (French Maran/Ameraucana Cross)
Polish Frilkies (Silkie/Frizzle Polish Cross)
Pure Silkies (White, Buff, Partridge, Black, Blue)

I also have one very special egg for my own personal flock, an egg called Bella Jr., after her mother Bella, a Lavender d'Uccle bantam. I'll be posting updates on Bella Jr. and the other eggs every week, including my first set of candling pictures on day 7 of incubation.