Sunday, September 22, 2013

Order your turkey before its too late!

It's that beautiful time of year again, and it feels like it just smashed into our summer weather so suddenly! Fall, and the leaves are starting to turn and Canadian Thanksgiving is just around the bend. I may not raise or hatch turkey, but I do advocate for the ethical and natural rearing of other poultry breeds. I also like to encourage local agriculture and sustainable living. Order your turkey now before it's too late.

The best turkey you can feed your family is locally farm raised and grass fed turkey. Even "natural" or "organic" turkey can be kept in inhumane conditions as the rules of organic farming doesn't mean you're getting an ethical bird. As any backyard poultry farmer would know, our birds are happy little creatures who enjoy the freedom to eat grasses, bugs and explore. Even a meat bird deserves a quality life in order to provide quality meat to the consumer. Click the links below explore local turkey producers!

And many more! (Guelph - Wellington Area)