Thursday, June 27, 2013

The odd couple!

I don't always have mixed breeds... unless they are Easter Eggers or Olive Eggers... but when I do I'm looking for a unique combination. Right now I have 12 very unique eggs in the incubator. Soon they will hatch and the mystery will unfold... what will they look like?

This mystery clutch of eggs comes from a handsome Partridge/Calico Silkie Rooster and a silver-frizzle naked neck hen. (Actual birds shown below!). The eggs themselves were a light blue and medium size.  Essentially the chicks will be Sizzle-Naked-Neck-Easter-Eggers. It will be interesting to see how the genes are split for these chicks.
This weird combination will likely result in Sizzle feathering/ Silkie Feathering/ Frizzle Feathering with a range of colouration from Black - Partridge - Silver or more. The naked neck gene should be present in some of the chicks, creating an unconventional "Showgirl" look to some chicks. Breed combinations like this can really make for interesting genetic projects.
If you're interested in any of these chicks, stay tuned and watch for updates on upcoming hatches and chick availability. If you're looking for a unique addition to your flock, these are definitely the birds for you!