Saturday, April 27, 2013

April Updates!

Happy spring season from Summer Girl Chicks!

Despite the cold rain and snow we've been receiving, spring is certainly on it's way. The tulips and daffodils are on their way, any day now, the whole landscape will be in bloom! Something about chickens and the spring time makes me feel so happy and joyous, finally pushing that winter gloom aside!

I have some great updates, my first batch of imported chicks are on their way and I'm setting fresh eggs the incubators this weekend. The chicks are finally coming! Pictures and more information to come! Happy gardening, chicken keeping and prepping to you all!

Did you know that daffodils are natural pest deterrents? Planting daffodil bulbs around your urban coop can help deter raccoons, gofers, and squirrels from your hens and eggs, as they are slightly toxic and smell bad to these animals. Not to mention they are colourful, beautiful, scented, and excellent cut flowers!